505 East 46th Avenue, Vancouver BC
Come Hear the Good News!
Every Sunday 10:00AM
Online Sermons and Services
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A bit about us....
We are sinners in need of God's Grace....
That may sound like a something folks shouldn't want to admit right off the bat, but it is true. But what is also true is the astoundingly GOOD NEWS that God forgives our sin because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We believe that because God has forgiven our sin through Jesus we have been gifted with eternal life. We come together as a community of faith to hear God's Word of forgiveness and promise of eternal life, and to do our best to follow Jesus in service to our neighbours and creation.
We believe we are saved through God's Grace alone....
We don't believe that there is anything we sinners can do by our own power to save ourselves from the ultimate consequence of our sin--which is eternal death. The GOOD NEWS is that we don't have to. As the Apostle Paul said, " For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God--not the result of works, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2: 8-9). " Jesus did it all for us--and for all people--on the cross! We come together to receive and celebrate this Good News through words, song, and sacraments.
We are sacramental....
Speaking of sacraments, we observe two sacraments--Holy Baptism and Holy Communion--in which we believe Jesus Christ is truly present to gift us with God's forgiveness and promise of eternal life.
We are confessional....
So what does "confessional" mean? In short, it means that we trust the Holy Bible as the inspired and inerrant (without error) Word of God as the final authority on matters of faith and life. We further accept the Lutheran Confessions, as contained in the Book of Concord, as the correct interpretation of the Bible.
We have been here for a while....
We are a Lutheran Church located in South Vancouver. We have been in the neighbourhood since 1934. The church was founded by German-Canadians, and for a long time held services in both English and German. Services are now in English.
We really want to meet you!
We would love to see you at our Sunday service 10:00AM.
The Good News of Jesus is meant to be shared and we want to share it with you. We follow the traditional liturgies and sing hymns which communicate God's mercy and love for all people and creation.